A dental problem that requires immediate attention and treatment is known as a dental emergency. Treatment may be required to stop bleeding, save a tooth, and/or alleviate severe pain. It is important to act immediately when faced with a dental emergency, rather than hoping or assuming that the issue will go away itself.
Here at Integrity Dental in Lethbridge, we provide professional emergency dental care to all patients. In this blog post, we will highlight the common dental emergencies that require immediate professional care. These include severe tooth decay, knocked-out teeth, tooth abscesses, and cracked or broken teeth.
Severe Tooth Decay
Tooth decay occurs when bacteria in the mouth create a layer of plaque over the teeth, which over time damages the surface of teeth. Some of the causes of tooth decay include:
Poor diet choices
Poor oral hygiene
Stomach acid
When tooth decay is not treated, an infection can set in and the tooth pulp can become damaged. Emergency treatment is typically sought when the pain becomes severe. A root canal procedure or even tooth extraction may be required depending on the severity of the issue.
Knocked-Out Teeth
Knocked-out teeth are another common dental care emergency and can happen while playing sports or during a fall. There are a number of steps you should follow if you have lost a tooth:
Locate the tooth
Pick it up by the crown
Rinse the tooth with water if it's dirty
Reposition the tooth in the socket if possible
Otherwise, put it next to your cheek or place it in milk
Visit an emergency dentist without delay
The sooner you are able to visit a dentist, the more chance there will be to save the tooth.
Broken or Cracked Teeth
A break or crack in the enamel of the tooth can also necessitate an emergency visit to your dentist. Some cracks may not be deep or very painful, however other cracks can actually result in a split tooth, which can be very painful and affect the root.
Treatment options here include performing a root canal procedure, gluing the chipped fragment back on, or applying a filling or crown over the broken tooth.
Tooth Abscess
A tooth or dental abscess refers to a build-up of pus that forms either on the bone that holds teeth in place, in the gums, or inside the teeth. This condition is caused by a bacterial infection and can be very uncomfortable.
The treatment options here include incision and drainage to the affected gum, removal of the affected tooth by means of extraction, or a root canal procedure.
Dental Emergencies You Should Know About
Integrity Dental is your premier choice for quality emergency dental care in Lethbridge. If you are experiencing a serious dental issue, don't delay in seeking quality treatment.
Contact our team today for treatment on a range of dental emergencies.